Random Volcano

Simply hit the button below to generate volcano's at random. You can also choose the number of volcano's to generate each time.

Fort Selkirk

Fort Selkirk

(Canada) volcanic field, 1239 m / 4,065 ft


(Sumatra, Indonesia) lava dome, 1505 m


(Guatemala) Stratovolcano, 1650 m / 5,413 ft


(Northern Chile, Bolivia and Argentina, South America) stratovolcano, 6233 m / 20,449 ft


(Halmahera, Indonesia) stratovolcano, 318 m / 1,043 ft
unnamed submarine

unnamed submarine

(North of Urup, Kuril Islands) submarine volcano, -502? m / - 1,647 ft

What is this tool?

This random volcano generator uses a list of 1605 known active volcanoes from around the world.

As well as collecting the name of the volcano I have compiled extra details such as its approximate location and height. An image of the volcano is also shown where I have been able to find one; some remain unexplored and have no name so there is very little information to offer in those cases.

What I realised after making this tool is the amazing diversity and beauty of all the different volcanos on planet Earth. Quite amazing really.