Russian name generator

To generate random male/female Russian names select the options below and click generate.

Boris Abakumov (Абакумов)

Dusan Abramov (Абрамов)

Egor Abramovich (Абрамович)

Kostas Agafonov (Агафонов)

Sergei Alenin (Аленин)

Ulan Alyokhin (Алёхин)

Valeri Alliluyev (Аллилуев)

Yerik Andreyushkin (Андреюшкин)

What is this tool?

It is a simple free tool that you can use to create real Russian male and Female names with surnames.

To make this tool I collected a list of 600 of the most popular boy and girl first names in Russia. I also gathered a list of 1500 of the most common surnames. This ensures that you will get a good mix of random names each time.