Random Chip Flavors

To create a list of random chips, all you have to do is select how many you want and hit the gree generate button.

Ruffles Sour Cream & Onion

Ruffles Sour Cream & Onion

Lay's Lightly Salted BBQ

Lay's Lightly Salted BBQ

Lay's Kettle Cooked Jalapeño

Lay's Kettle Cooked Jalapeño

Lays Salt & Vinegar

Lays Salt & Vinegar

Baked Lays Original

Baked Lays Original

Poore Brothers Habenero

Poore Brothers Habenero

What is this tool?

We don't admit it but most of us eat way too many chips (crips if you are British), but why not they taste great! With this random generator, you can discover great new chip flavors and brands completely at random.