Random Billionaires

To create a list of random billionaires, all you have to do is select how many you want and hit the gree generate button.

David Koch

David Koch

Worth: $50.5 B

Source: Koch Industries

Rank: #11

Citizen of: United States

Elon Musk

Elon Musk

Worth: $22.3 B

Source: Tesla Motors

Rank: #40

Citizen of: United States

Len Blavatnik

Len Blavatnik

Worth: $17.7 B

Source: diversified

Rank: #59

Citizen of: United States

Li Shufu

Li Shufu

Worth: $13.6 B

Source: automobiles

Rank: #91

Citizen of: China

Heinz Hermann Thiele

Heinz Hermann Thiele

Worth: $13.6 B

Source: brakes

Rank: #91

Citizen of: Germany

Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren

Worth: $6.9 B

Source: Ralph Lauren

Rank: #215

Citizen of: United States

What is this tool?

Billionaires have made their fortunes in all kinds of ways. To highlight this I created this random billionaire generator containing 223 of the worlds richest people from 2018. Under each person, you will find their worth, how they obtained their fortune, their rank and what country they are a citizen of.