Random Address In San Juan

Street: 891, Calle Halcón

Neighbourhood: Urbanización Country Club

Suburb/City: Sabana Llana Norte, San Juan

State/Region: Puerto Rico

Postcode: 00924

Country: United States

Street: Seaborne, 268, Avenida Luis Muñoz Rivera

Neighbourhood: Parada 27

Suburb/City: Hato Rey Norte, San Juan

State/Region: Puerto Rico

Postcode: 00918

Country: United States

Street: 99, Calle 2

Neighbourhood: Urbanización Portal De Los Pinos

Suburb/City: Cupey, San Juan

State/Region: Puerto Rico

Postcode: 00926

Country: United States

Street: 2147, Calle Topacio

Neighbourhood: Urbanización Alto Apolo

Suburb/City: San Juan

State/Region: Puerto Rico

Postcode: 00969

Country: United States

Street: 6646, San Juan Street

Town: Paramount

County/Department: Los Angeles County

State/Region: California

Postcode: 90723

Country: United States

Street: 449, Calle Aranjuez

Neighbourhood: Urbanización San José

Suburb/City: Oriente, San Juan

State/Region: Puerto Rico

Postcode: 00923

Country: United States

What is this tool?

This generator gets random addresses in San Juan using real map data. Each address is formatted according to guidence from the appropriate authorities and contains the building number/street address, road, town/city/region, county, state and postcode.

Are the Addresses in San Juan Fake or Real?

The simple answer is yes and no. To get San Juan addresses we use a technique called geocoding which involves converting latitude longitude coordinates to an address on a map. If The lat-lon contains a street address, it is put into our random generator. In practice, sometimes a street address is reported but there is no house, making the address fake.

What Can I Use The Random San Juan Addresses For?

You can use them for research purposes and to fill forms on websites that require valid addresses but you don't want to give them your actual home address.