Random Address In Iceland

Street: 7, Langavatnsvegur

Suburb/City: Grafarholt og Úlfarsárdalur, Reykjavik

Postcode: 113

Country: Iceland

Street: 4, Álaþing

Neighbourhood: Þing

Town: Kopavogur

Postcode: 203

Country: Iceland

Street: 8, Reykjahlíð

Suburb/City: Hlíðar, Reykjavik

Postcode: 105

Country: Iceland

Street: 16, Rauðalækur

Neighbourhood: Lækir

Suburb/City: Laugardalur, Reykjavik

Postcode: 105

Country: Iceland

Street: 23, Móvað

Suburb/City: Árbær, Reykjavik

Postcode: 110

Country: Iceland

Street: 1, Lundur

Town: Kopavogur

Postcode: 200

Country: Iceland

What is this tool?

This generator gets random addresses in Iceland using real map data. Each address is formatted according to guidence from the appropriate authorities and contains the building number/street address, road, town/city/region, county, state and postcode.

Are the Addresses in Iceland Fake or Real?

The simple answer is yes and no. To get Iceland addresses we use a technique called geocoding which involves converting latitude longitude coordinates to an address on a map. If The lat-lon contains a street address, it is put into our random generator. In practice, sometimes a street address is reported but there is no house, making the address fake.

What Can I Use The Random Iceland Addresses For?

You can use them for research purposes and to fill forms on websites that require valid addresses but you don't want to give them your actual home address.